FaQ’s – Answers to common questions

Learn more about common gate issues we come across and options to remedy them

Service my gate

How often should my gate be serviced is a question we are asked a lot.
Most automatic gate manufacturers recommend you get your gate and motors checked annually. This is like a WoF for your gate, making sure it is working in a safe and optimal way and may locate issues before they become critical and expensive to repair.
It may be time, contact us to book a service for your automatic gate.

How do I care for my gate

On top of an annual service it is recommended that you do some preventative maintenance, this is easy to do and will extend the life of your electric gate, intercom and any other outdoor electronics.
Here are a few recommendations:

  • Keep the gate and gate automation components clean and clear from grass, soil build up, branches and any plants that may interfere with the movement or block sensors
  • Have the regular pest control schedule to prevent from insects nesting in the motor controller housing, safety beams, gate motors, actuators, intercom, keypad and any other accessories outdoor. Insect infestation is becoming a major concern and damaging factor lately.
  • Know how and use the manual release on your sliding gate motor and you swing gate actuators, this way they don’t seize when you need it to work. Moving the gate by hand allows you to feel it and if it is not moving smooth or hard to move it may require some adjustment or there are worn parts needing replacement. Do this every six month or so.

If you are unsure or feel something may be wrong, contact us to book a service for your automatic gate.

Manual Release

Gate motors and gate automation systems have a mean of manual release built in so you can manually operate the gate in the event of a power failure or a system fault.
This is normally done by pulling a handle or turning a knob which sometimes require a key to allow this for security reasons.
The key may be a Hex Key, a version of a Cut Key or a Specially design key (like a triangle socket) which was supplied with your system at the time of installation.
Go to our online shop to see if a key for your motor is available of the shelf.
If your brand is not listed contact us and we will see how we can help

Manual Release Keys

We are able to supply a variety of keys to many brands based on a model name in the event of a cut key the number that is as engraved on the lock.
Some brands are: Came, BFT (triangle and new model keys), FAAC, Centurion, Genius, DEA, Mhouse.
Go to our online shop to see if a key for your motor is available of the shelf.
If your brand is not listed contact us and we will see how we can help.

Gate Alignment

For the gate and motors to work efficiently in harmony they need to be properly aligned with each other, misalignment would cause stress and ware which if not serviced in time will damage the motor and gate permanently.
Misalignment can be a result of ground movement associated with seasonal changes or a wrong installation. Auckland is known for its clay base ground which dry in the summer months and shrink leaving large cracks in the ground, as a result posts are leaning over causing swing gates to drag on the ground and concrete driveways shift causing sliding gates to misalign the motor drive cog.
Low quality gates especially timber ones tend to loose there structural strength resulting with an out of shape gate that gust doesn’t work, these gates unfortunately are not something we repair however we can offer to replace.
Some issues are easily addressed in an service call out while others may require a rebuild of a concrete strip or reinstall of a gate post or even a wall.
It is important to diagnose the cause of the problem and if possible address it rather than treat the symptoms as this is likely to be a temporary fix.
We offer repair service and annual servicing to keep your gate moving, contact us to book a service for your automatic gate.